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Pismo od Andy VRCC Germany

27.08.2015 10:49:12
poziom 4

Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 358 #2163943
Od: 2014-10-8

Dear members and friends of the VRCC,

We would like to inform you about the events and findings of the last few weeks concerning the trademark dispute. We think we should now carefully consider the next steps. Therefore we would like to explain the facts of our progress and hope to find out — in roundtables and here in the forums and social networks — your opinion of the behavior of Valkparts.

The chronology from July to today.

1. In July 2015 the presentation was published in the forums and the social networks in Germany and abroad.
2. The VRCC community in Germany and abroad found the actions by Valkparts incomprehensible and criticized Valkparts .
3. At the end of July 2015, because of the strong opposition by the entire VRCC community, Valkparts published that it will no longer use the “Viking's Head in the Wings” logo.
4. On August 11, the VRCC Rathaus e.V. signaled that it welcomed this first step by Valkparts; but the VRCC Rathaus e.V also expects Valkparts to withdraw its opposition against the registered trademark of VRCC Rathaus e.V. and stop marketing the brand so that the VRCC Rathaus e.V has the exclusive right to use the “Viking's Head in the Wings” logo and exclusively market the branded parts again.
5. So far, there has been no reaction from the Chief Operating Officer, Michi Böhm.
6. On both sides there were attempts to strike up a conversation with the other side: Jester — a friend of Valkparts — wanted to get in contact with the VRCC Rathaus e.V. and Dirk — a VRCC member, but not member of the VRCC Rathaus eV — has tried on his own to talk to the Chief Operating Officer of Valkparts.
Against the background of legal actions before the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), it was imprudent for anyone who has no legal representation — from neither Valkparts nor from VRCC Rathaus eV. — to discuss the matter.
7. Nevertheless, in order to come to a quick end, the VRCC Rathaus e.V. decided that Andy — Germany's Country Representative and a member of VRCC Rathaus e.V. — should try to contact the Chief Operating Officer of Valkparts by telephone. This was done on August 15th, 2015; the telephone conversation lasted about 40 minutes.

The final result of the telephone call are the following points:
A) Valkparts no longer wants to use the “Viking's Head in the Wings” logo, except in his videos because of the extraordinary cost to change this.
Opinion of the VRCC Rathaus e.V .:
The use of the “Viking's Head in the Wings” by Valkparts is prohibited, even in videos and logos.
B) Valkparts will withdraw its opposition only if the VRCC Rathaus e.V. in return withdraws its application of cancellation against the trademark of Valkparts.
Opinion of VRCC Rathaus e.V .:
Thus Valkparts would retain the rights to the “Viking's Head in the Wings” logo. This is unacceptable to the VRCC Rathaus e.V. and it will not approve such action.
C) Valkparts will transfer trademark rights of the “Viking's Head in the Wings” logo to neutral third party of its choice.
Opinion of VRCC Rathaus e.V .:
The rights concerning VRCC logos can only reside with the VRCC, no trade organization or private person. The VRCC Rathaus e.V. is a constituent of the VRCC, consisting exclusively of VRCC members, acting only according the wishes of the VRCC members. The members of the VRCC Rathaus e.V. are elected by a majority vote of VRCC members in Germany and they can be withdrawn at any time. This ensures that the VRCC Rathaus e.V. always acts on behalf of the majority of VRCC members in Germany. No trade organization or private person would act on behalf of the interests of the VRCC.

Note to point B. and C .:
The VRCC Rathaus e.V. seeks to retain the exclusive rights to the VRCC-logo for the entire VRCC and therefore must litigate successfully for that right in Germany against Valkparts.

The VRCC Rathaus e.V., in order to protect the rights to the VRCC-logo for the entire VRCC will not concede to transfer this right to a third party.

Only by a unanimous vote by all of the Country Representatives would the VRCC Rathaus eV make concessions to Valkparts; however, the VRCC Rathaus e.V. would prefer not to do this.

Thus, the VRCC Rathaus e.V. will continue its legal action against Valkparts with the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA). We will discuss with you and the Country Prepresentatives how we will continue to deal with Valkparts and his supporters in a dialogue over the next few days.

Andy VRCC # 7759
State Rep. Germany
Różni ludzie jedna pasja
Rune #27874
27.08.2015 11:41:41
poziom 6

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: PL: Wisła - Śląsk Cieszyński

Posty: 853 #2163979
Od: 2014-10-11
No i pięknie ,zawsze znajdzie się jakiś "czubek " a my też już w tym roku mieliśmy podobny problem, tyle że bez Urzędu patentowego ,rejestrującego znaki handlowe . wesoły
Zapewne będzie teraz na długi, długi i bardzo długi czas "wesoło " w sprawie znaku Valkyrie zakręcony
Pozdrawiam Baca

Jadąc motocyklem szepczą demony , anioły milczą !
27.08.2015 15:01:57
poziom 1

Grupa: Użytkownik

Lokalizacja: PL: Trzebinia

Posty: 49 #2164078
Od: 2014-10-12
    Baca pisze:

    No i pięknie ,zawsze znajdzie się jakiś "czubek " a my też już w tym roku mieliśmy podobny problem, tyle że bez Urzędu patentowego ,rejestrującego znaki handlowe . wesoły
    Zapewne będzie teraz na długi, długi i bardzo długi czas "wesoło " w sprawie znaku Valkyrie zakręcony

mówisz o mnie, znow będzie sie działobardzo szczęśliwy
27.08.2015 18:01:16
poziom 4

Grupa: Użytkownik

Posty: 283 #2164133
Od: 2014-10-13
Panowie! Jest dobrze, że ktoś pilnuje porządku (jak wiadomo Niemcy są w tym najlepsi) cool. Pisałem o burdelu jaki panuje w USA, odnośnie znaku (logo) VRCC. Wyjaśnienie znalazłem na czeskiej stronie VRCC:


szczególnie ważny wydaje się ten fragment:
"VRCC USA Some may know, some not. There was a change in the members of the Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club Limited Liability Corporation. Damon Kinter aka Misfit took over the shares from Gale Scalzi aka Oz. At the InZane in Spearfish SD I had the chance to speak with Damon about the legal issue of the VRCC Logo. The VRCC USA support our way with the VRCC Logo."

Mamy więc nowego właściciela logo VRCC. Poprzedni niezbyt się tym tematem interesował. Teraz być może będzie szansa na uporządkowanie tematu. Miejmy nadzieję, że idziemy w dobrym kierunku - ujednolicenie logo a co za tym idzie zaprowadzenie porządku w liczbie chapterów VRCC w Polsce.

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